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What is PPC (Pay-per-Click) Marketing?

PPC Pay Per Click Marketing

Nowadays, digital marketing strategies come in different types and forms, one of those strategies is PPC marketing. Depending on your business goals and timeline, you may opt for a strategy that focuses on certain aspects of your business and PPC marketing is an excellent example that effective advertising doesn’t have to be expensive.

What is PPC Marketing?

First of all, we need to define what it is PPC Marketing. PPC, or pay-per-click advertising, is a model of marketing where advertisers pay a fee whenever their ads are clicked, sending them to whichever landing page was assigned to the ad. PPC advertising allows advertisers to essentially buy traffic, or visits to their website through the displayed ads, rather than earning these visits organically.

What is PPC Pay per Click Marketing

Google Ads

It would be accurate to say that Google is a dominating force on the internet landscape. Their PPC service Google Ads (formerly known as Google Adwords), is the most popular PPC advertising platform on the internet to this day. It is, therefore, one of the most effective ways advertisers utilize PPC advertising online to sell products and services.

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Google Search Ads work on the pay-per-click model of marketing, where advertisers only pay for the ad if it has generated a click that goes to the landing page that was assigned to that particular ad. When a user initiates a search, Google analyzes the keywords and immediately pulls an ad from a collection of ads that it has deemed relevant to the arrangement of keywords used in the search term.

The way Google selects these “winning” ads is determined by a number of factors, such as the relevance of the keywords to the search term, how closely it resembles the original intent of the search, the volume of text, and just the overall quality of the campaign ad itself.


What is PPC Pay per Click Marketing

Bing Ads

It’s easy to discredit other search engines when you already know that Google is the dominant force when it comes to search networks. However, despite Google owning the lion’s share of internet search activity, Bing is still a plausible option to post your ads. Aside from the minor stylistic differences, the core function still remains the same as Google Ads.

So, if you have already built a working Google Ads campaign, you can implement those same strategies on Bing Ads as well. Up to 13% of searches happen on Bing’s network. Now, even though that number is small compared to Google’s, it still amounts to millions of searches per day.

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An interesting fact is that Bing still owns 34% of US desktop searches. If your brand or business is based in the US, that is something to take into consideration. You don’t want to miss out on those audiences. Speaking of audiences, the majority of Bing users are actually on the older end of the spectrum. About 18% of people ages 34-44 and 20% of people ages 45-54 are using Bing’s network to conduct their searches. Another factor, you should consider when thinking about advertising on Bing.

In addition to all the points listed above, Bing has one last advantage. Bing ads are displayed on three different search engines, Bing, Yahoo and AOL. This is because they all fall under Bing’s search network, named Microsoft Ads. This broader network means that your ads may potentially be displayed to a more diverse audience, consequently reaching more people that might convert or at the very least view your landing page.


What is PPC Pay per Click Marketing

Yahoo Ads

As an advertising platform, Yahoo’s platform Gemini is more or less shares the same fate as Bing. Google dominates the search market share by far, but that doesn’t mean you can’t generate leads and make a profit by using Yahoo ads. There are about 117 million unique searches on Yahoo per month, which is plenty of searches that can potentially generate a lead for your business.

You may be wondering who still uses Yahoo when Google is more commonly used? Despite its popularity, there are other people who are more familiar with Yahoo, or workplaces that have their browsers locked to using only Yahoo as their search engine.

fact PPCThink of older people who have used Yahoo as their email provider and also their search engine since the turn of the century. Therefore, Yahoo may be just the right advertising platform you need for your business – especially if the target audience happens to be what we outline above.


What is PPC Pay per Click Marketing

Benefits of PPC

There’s a compelling case to be made on just how effective PPC marketing can be at benefiting your business. Whether you’re a small business trying to increase brand awareness, or a bigger establishment wanting to compete for traffic and generate new leads, PPC marketing can help you achieve those business goals.

  • Highly Measurable & Trackable

    One of the benefits of PPC marketing is just how much you can measure and track your marketing campaigns. For those using Google Ads, it is astounding just how much you can keep track of your campaign progress using the tools in Google Analytics. Trackable parameters include high-level performance details such as impressions, clicks, and even conversions.

  • Flexibility & Control

    Perhaps the best perk of PPC marketing is the amount of flexibility that it offers for users. Starting from the keywords, you want to use, target placements, budgeting controls and so much more – you can basically tailor your PPC campaigns to however you want it to be. If this is your first time trying PPC marketing on Google Ads for example, you can start with a small budget and see how much impact it has on your business. Once you’re happy with the results, you can scale up your PPC campaigns easily to increase their reach, targeting and other parameters – all while you gather valuable data regarding your audience.

  • Precise Targeting Based On Measurable Data

    As we prefaced above, PPC marketing through Google Ads allows you to tailor your parameters according to your specific business goals. This includes a comprehensive targeting selection to ensure that your ads are only displayed to the demographic that you’ve preselected during the setup process. These targeting parameters include age range, gender, location, language, audience interest, field of industry, and most importantly the keywords that are most relevant to your business – especially if you’re running a PPC campaign on Google’s Search Ads. This brings us to another advantage of PPC marketing, which is the valuable data that you’ll be gathering. In addition to the performance information you’ll have directly from Google Ads, you’ll also have data on clicks, impressions and conversion data for each of the keywords that you use on your PPC campaign. These insights are important in improving the overall SEO performance of your business’ website as well as to refine your content marketing strategies.

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Are you ready to start your PPC Campaign?

We hope this article has resonated with your goals and desire to grow your business! If you’re looking into PPC Marketing, and want to know more on how it can benefit your specific business, feel free to consult with us at Juicebox.

We are an integrated digital marketing agency committed to increasing your revenue and providing intelligent marketing solutions for your business. Consult with our experts to learn how we can help you win more conversions and revenue growth in your business.
